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LFN in 2022: Annual Report Now Available

By February 16, 2023No Comments

Download the 2022 LFN Annual Report to learn about last year’s achievements, hear directly from community leaders, and see what’s on the agenda for 2023. And read below for an excerpt from the report.

Message from the General Manager

By Arpit Joshipura, General Manager, Networking, Edge, IoT, the Linux Foundation

2022 was the year of ubiquity for open source networking solutions, and LFN is at the center with even more LFN use cases coming to life. New user deployment stories were published from several carriers, including Spark (New Zealand), Tigo (Guatemala), and Orange (France), as well as vendors and SIs, such as Aarna Networks, Netgate, Equinix, Intel, and Pantheon. We’ve hit the tipping point, with a broader swath of industry organizations now reaping the benefits of open source technologies in production, saving on CAPEX, OPEX, R&D, and more. And this is just the beginning.

I’m also excited about the tangible networking industry shift into the enterprise that is already coming into fruition: The L3AF project, which Walmart donated to the Linux Foundation in 2021 with the support of other leading tech companies, enables Kernel Function as a Service with lifecycle management of eBPF networking application programs. Similarly, the EMCO project, which was new in 2021, helps organizations (including enterprises) to securely connect and deploy workloads across public clouds and edge locations, with end-to-end interapplication communication enabled.

Another high point of 2022 was our return to in-person events, with our flagship ONE Summit event held in Seattle in November. With one of the strongest agendas to date, this year’s event featured over 75 talks including keynotes, workshops, breakout sessions and lightning talks across five tracks: Emerging Technologies and Business Models, Industry 4.0, Operationalizing Deployment: Case Studies + Successes + Challenges Security, and The New Networking Stack. More intimate than past events, this year’s ONE Summit enabled in-person collaboration that cannot be replicated in a digital format.

We are so grateful to all who came together to make the event a success! Looking ahead, the LFN ecosystem will increasingly integrate across even more touchpoints, such as the metaverse, “Non-Closed” RAN, and AI / ML (read more in my 2023 Predictions blog post).