The Linux Foundation Projects
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LFN is dedicated to creating opportunities and new ways to innovate across the networking industry. 2021 continued to be a challenging year around the globe, but three Cs (Code, Collaboration, and Connectivity), proved therapeutic for the community to fight global isolation from the pandemic and move the industry forward. Adversity has brought us closer together as we build the foundation to withstand the global challenges of today and tomorrow.

This 25-page, detailed report recaps the highlights and achievements of 2021 while offering insights from LFN community leaders on where the project and the open source networking industry is headed in 2022 and beyond.

Table of Contents:

  • Executive Summary
  • LFN Technical Community Metrics
  • Message from the LF Networking Board
  • LFN Governing Board
  • LFN Members
  • General Manager Update
  • End User Advisory Group Update
  • Strategic Planning Committee Update
  • Technical Advisory Council Update
  • LFN Project Updates
  • Marketing Advisory Council Update
  • Industry Impact
