The Linux Foundation Projects
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Last November, LFN and its members gathered in Seattle for ONE Summit 2022. This was the first in-person event for LFN since 2019 and  Sandeep Panesar, our newly minted LFN Marketing Advisory Committee Chair took full advantage of it to chat with a number of developers working on LFN projects.

If you don’t work in open source, then you should know that software developers are the lifeblood that keeps open source going. We were curious to know about what drives software developers to join open source projects and what they enjoy about contributing to large projects that are used worldwide by some of the biggest companies. As you can imagine, there was a range of answers to that question and we got it all on video. You can find the individual interviews on our YouTube channel, in the Community Voices playlist, or you can watch the individual interviews by clincking the links below.:

Be sure to follow the LF Networking on Twitter and our LinkedIn page and follow the ONE Summit LinkedIn page for news about upcoming events.

