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5G Super Blueprint

Organizations large and small are hungry for faster and more secure connectivity between workers, customers and business applications. It is the keystone of digital transformation, which is itself essential to profitability, if not survival, in a hyper-competitive world.

A truly end-to-end, fast, and secure connectivity model — from mobile / desktop device to a far-end application — is non-trivial to architect, and implement.

Introducing the Linux Foundation Networking 5G Super Blueprint

The 5G Super Blueprint gives global communications providers and businesses a full architecture of how to deliver a total solution — replete with high-bandwidth, low-latency, scalable, and cost-effective digital networking infrastructure — from end-user device to cloud application destination:

  • Designed for speed
  • Designed for scale
  • Designed for rapid deployment
  • Leapfrogs broken economics of conventional HW-based infrastructure with SW-defined infrastructure & cloud native approaches
  • Moves your business model from commodity to end-to-end value-add

LF Networking is forging a new path in network infrastructure — one that enables the full value chain of end-to-end, high-performance, secure networking connectivity.

5G Super Blueprint Resources

Frequently Asked Questions

5G Super Blue Print Video Playlist

Wiki Project Area

White Paper

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  • Andrew Bringaze

    Andrew Bringaze is the senior developer for The Linux Foundation. With over 10 years of experience his focus is on open source code, WordPress, React, and site security.

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